28 Sep

on 26th Sept 2020 a group of radio enthusiasts have met once again at CW Meeting Room to self-train themselves in preparation of upcoming Radio Amateur Examination which is planned to take place before end of this year 2020.

The training class was led by two existing SARA members and licensed radio amateurs Mr Ravi and Mr Kamil. Few members could not attend due personal reasons. majority has attended and completed the training with satisfaction. 

The Main objective of the training was to explain the content of the Foundation Training Manual and to make it easy to understand. 

During the training session many subjects has been discussed which are outside of the Foundation Training manual and are certainly important part of Radio Amateur culture. The training was interactive with videos and anyone has been allowed to join in the conversation.


By 12th November 2020 All Exam candidates are expected to be ready for the exam

14th November 2020 : Proper Mock Exam

14 - 18th December 2020 - RSGB Exam Takes Place

Many thanks to Cable & Wireless for allowing to use the venue for the period of 2.5hrs during the class training session.

*Posted by Kamil S79KW

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